How do I create or edit a clip?

This article gives you a step by step guide along with a video to show you how to create and edit a clip

Skip to 'Editing a clip'

Creating a clip:

  1. When watching an event/game, you will see at the top left of your screen a big 'Add Clip' button. Click that at the time you want to create a clip.
  2. You will notice you now have a new clip next to the 'Add Clip' button.
  3. To view the clip, simply click on it.


Editing a clip:

  1. In order to start editing the clip, you need to select it along the top of your screen.
  2. Once you have selected the clip, you will have some options along the right hand side of your screen including 'EDIT'
  3. After clicking 'EDIT', you have the ability to change the clip start and end times, add comments, or delete.


Note: If you are trying to delete a clip and it is not working, please try refreshing the webpage. If the issue persists, contact us here.